A coach an opportunity. This also gives them the coach an opportunity to put on their consulting hat. Then the last question is, which reflects on the whole processes. As you reflect on this conversation, how is it supported your learning? This is a question that really ties it all up in a bow and it gets, it gets to the student who is being coached to really think about what they're gonna do. So we're going to watch a conversation and it is, normally our conversations are 30 minutes long. We've done a more of a condensed one. Cameron is going to be our he has our coach. He is a music major and a marine biology major. He does He's also a tutor for the writing lab and he has been one of our coaches for two semesters. He is going to be coaching our students, Matthew, and I believe on the next slide. So I'm going to highly recommend that you take a piece of paper, whatever paper you have to write down some notes. What are some of the ways that Cameron is helping Matt plan? Because after the conversation, what's going to happen is we're gonna go into breakout rooms. And in those breakout rooms you're going to share some of the things, some of the ways that you saw Cameron help Matt plan in this conversation. And like I said, it's conversations. It's only ten minutes long. It's not a full 30, So it is to demonstrate pieces of the map. The coaches do use the map as a guideline for the conversation. However, if they go off of the map, it's okay as long as they are helping. The ultimate plan is to have mat leave with something that he can and will implement. So here we go. Today, I'm going to hurt you pretty well. I'm doing pretty well. Okay. So you're here for bio one. Okay. So I run under report it so that you're having some trouble trying to understand what was the material for the test? Yeah. So like when I would study and then for some reason it's like the professor just switched the material. Like I, I thought I was, I thought I really thought I was getting it. And then as I would go into the test and, you know, try my best, I was like I was studying the wrong thing. So I'm not sure what yeah, I completely understand. So what I might want to ask first is, what are your goals for whenever you study for the test? All right. I guess study for a certain amount of time. So let me rephrase the question. So is your goal to make an a on the test? Is your goal to understand the material on the test, or is your goal to really deeply try to ponder the questions and maybe understand on a deeper level so that whenever you take away from this class, you can go and say, I understand this material getting that good. Yeah. I completely understand that. So let me ask you this now. So whenever you are studying for the, say, What have you been doing to try to maybe achieve this goal? I've just been kinda reviewing the notes. I made some flashcards, definitions, biology, and kind of just run through them the best I can. Okay, So what I'm kind of takeaway from all this is that essentially you have been really trying hard with the flashcards and whatever you, whatever else you've been doing, whatever it is, it's being Quizlet or whether it's been, you know, just trying to make study guides on your own and you feel a little lost that it's not been working? Correct. Okay. So when you start out by saying, you know, you can go up from here. And I definitely think that you have the potential to, you know, keep on going. Make this, make the a, and achieve the goals that you want to achieve. So if you aren't going to change your study habits, swimming, you may want to do is start looking at the study site, where instead of studying in big chunks for like 23 hours at a time, you study like us, very much smaller, kind of intense study sessions. So you start to set a goal for one or two minutes to say what you want to accomplish. Whether the E Just, you want to understand me ten terms out of the, out of your textbook or maybe you want to understand one lecture that she went over, he or she went over in the class. You study with focus, you interact with material organized, you summarize process reread, fill in all the gaps that you kinda have been maybe looking at throughout the entire class. Then reward yourself. Take that little 1015 minute break. You deserve the very end. You just review the material. Oh, okay. Yeah. So review and you know, that kid just maybe five-minutes on everything that you've learned so far. Sounds a lot better to Albert. Study sessions. Yeah. Okay. So it's awesome. So how do you know that you'll be successful wherever you go to the next test or if you walk away with today, will you be happy? Yeah. Okay. And so what happens if you somehow don't get name? I'll come back to you. I love that answer. So one thing that you may want to anticipate if something happens and you don't first, whatever reason make an a on this next test is you have to look at it as excess. If you made a C or a D on this test and you make a B on the next one that's still progress, yet we're still moving forward for sure. And that's definitely something that you want to take into account whenever you're trying to understand, how do I reach my goal of this class, whether that's me. Hey, whether that's, I just wanted to make it through this class. So what, what changes do you think that you're going to start making after this session? What would that be? Started studying more intense study cycle, or you're going to start making more flashcards after taking this test, let's first test. Do you see any kind of comparisons about what you may want to do different already? Yeah. I definitely like the shorter study session and cognitive brakes and everything. And I think just from our conversation, making the flashcards is good. But then really studying them and then a quick review after to kind of do that. That made a lot of sense to me because then you're getting to see it multiple times. But not I'm not killing myself, you know? And then maybe even like a demon going to talk with the professor. But I can't, this is what I'm going to choose to study. Is this accurate kind of thing. Maybe that'll help. Let me ask you this to have you actually spoken with your professor yet and you make your professor one-on-one. Okay? So general rule of thumb. Professor always wants to kiss you and you can't do that. They do know they're here to help. It's one of those things that if you go and you meet them, even if you suffer, some reason never talked to them again one-on-one the rest of the semester. Now you know them all. There's nothing that can hurt you from going and talking to your professor one-on-one, maybe at the beginning of the semester, or even if it's wave into the middle of the semester, doesn't matter. You still need to go. And I'm more than more than likely they are happy to meet you and we'll schedule a time for you whenever. Okay. Well, I guess I'll have to do that. So let's talk about your time management, especially after we talk about the study cycle. Yeah. So would you have been studying for long periods of time or short periods of time? Um, when you find yourself studying, is it typically right before the test? Is it a week before the test? Or is it like as the lecture goes on, you study every night? Oh, I'm trying to write for the test. Yeah. Okay. Because I'm taking so many other classes and I just I I don't think about it, like how all of a sudden I'll be in lecture and I can't remember your test is on Thursday house. I forgot about that. And so then, you know, after sorry for that. Okay. So one thing that you want to start looking at is it's not just time management. It's also called prioritizing your time and your duties that you have, okay? So one example is if you know that you have a test worth 20% of your grade on, let's say, Monday and it's Sunday. You know, you definitely want to prioritize that. But now, looking beyond that, I know it's sometimes hard to look beyond this big moment, monumental tests that you have tomorrow. You also have a test on Thursday. So once you're done with that first test, you need to go ahead and start looking into I need to understand this material. I need to start really delving into what needs to happen for me to achieve my goal, whether that's making an air, anything else on this test because you don't want it to be Wednesday and now you're looking at it like his test is again tomorrow? Yeah. Yes. Okay. So spread it out, write it out. You can do it in shorter bursts like they've intense study cyclic work. One thing I like to do is I will actually start my week off by just looking at everything I have for the next two weeks. It takes me about 20 minutes. And throughout the span of about 20 minutes, I will plan out just the big stuff. Say I have tests, say I have a responsibility, I have to go attend a meeting or a seminar that I need to go to ten. That's something that definitely needs to be probabilists. My definitely prioritize it over a short assignment for you. I am not a good planner person. Lose them. I stood out. What other things could you recommend? Like I just kinda go off from my memory. You have an iPhone? You have any kind of smartphone? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, there you go. That's number one. You always have that in Anya? I'm I'm guessing. Yeah. If you're like most people. Yeah. That's fair. Yeah, I guess. So. I always keep all of my big big big big responsibilities in big test and what have you all with my phone. Definitely something that I carry with me everywhere because AI technology of Sasa, Yes. Yeah. And I will sit there and playing out in the next two weeks about on a Sunday. But what I have going on and it'll just be right there on my phone and it will alert me if whenever it gets to be about a two or three days before. Or five days before if it's a big test, I know I need more time to study. One thing that you may want to start looking into, as well as setting aside time every day or miscellaneous activities such as studying for a test. You haven't six days or studying for tests you have five days or just an assignment that is due that night that you need to get done. Definitely a time management strategy is just making sure that you have the time set aside. So because it's one thing to have it on your computer or have it on your laptop and say, Oh, I know when it's due, but if you're not gonna do it. Yeah. So five-minutes before then, what's the point? Scheduled lab seven scones. Kidding. That makes sense. Yeah. That's really helpful. Okay. So let me ask you this. So from what we've talked about today, what are your goals? What are you going to do from now on? So my new goals would say, I liked the planning starting on Sunday and I will try for two weeks. I'm usually about two days ahead. So we're going to shoot for two weeks. We'll see how that goes. I think that helped me a lot. I'm going to office hours. I need to look and see when those are and then I can do that in those terrifying, I think You said that they will help, so I will, I'll try it. And then the smaller bursts of studying, I think those are three things that I can change almost anything. Cool, sounds like you've definitely taken away from this and I'm really happy. I wish you the best of success. Is there any other questions you have for me today? No. I think that's it. Okay. I appreciate it. Alright. So what we're gonna do now is you're gonna be going into a breakout room. If at least one person could click on this observation guide. If one person in your group could record your conversation. But like for you to do is for each person to share at least one thing that they observed in a way that Cameron helped Matt be successful. And Laura, how many people would you like in the room but let people for let's do yeah, like at least four. Okay. Excellent. So you know, you should see the place to go. So will they be able to see that the observation guide or hopefully yeah, they should, like you said, have the link okay. To access it. Awesome. And we actually can broadcasts like maybe crowds, could you broadcast the links? You want? Both of them are just this first one. Just the first one. Yeah. Alright. So do we all want to pop art? Are Jonathan, do you and I want to pop into a room. Sure. But how long do we want to go ahead and swear at 30 minutes straight now? Further? Oh, yeah. I don't like maybe five minutes tops. I'll bring everybody back to unit 135. Okay. Perfect. Okay. So what I'll do one, you do too. Welcome back out and do three and you'll do for sounds because that sound, all right, so let's come on. You're even which just goes for me already. You've come back. Alright. Thank you. Charles had to let me know too. There's some good conversation going on, too. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. We may need to not do the skills part. Okay. I'm just I'm just kinda looking at time. So yeah. Alright, so is everybody back? I can't tell. Mostly. So just really quickly because we do have another conversation that we're going to observe. It's a little bit shorter, however, I want to make sure we have enough time. Is there a highlight from the conversation you have in your breakout room, breakout room, that you would like to share with the group as far as a way that Cameron helped Matt be successful? You just unmute yourself, that'd be awesome. Anybody? Well, in room four, we did say that we felt that he introduced some new strategies that Matt hadn't considered. And then Matt did recap them at the end, which was positive as something that he might want to focus on. So you gave him something tangible to do and we've talked about the fact that when it's only ten minutes, it's hard to have that inquiry approach really work since it takes time for that to come out on its own. And to be honest, like we condense that 30-minute conversation into ten, which you can't do the whole they do go a little deeper and they do a lot more planning with, with calendars. Um, so this was just kinda like the essence. So thank you, thank you for sharing. Alright, so we're gonna move on to the next conversation and the reflection conversation. So this one is similar in that. And if you want to just go the next slide, That's awesome. So this is our, this is our reflecting conversation map. Again, we have five categories where we ask questions and then we actually added our metacognitive learning strategies in the middle of because it just, it really helps the conversation flow when a coach kind of goes into more of that, the piece where they are being a consultant as well. So this is, so we start off with a question that builds rapport, our reflection question. We got to understanding if it's appropriate, we added a strategy right there, depending on the conversation, a commitment to action, and then a reflection, reflecting questions the very end. And at the very bottom, you're gonna notice that I've totally judges if you, if you don't do any of the questions on this map and you were just remember one thing. And that is to pause, then paraphrase, and then inquire. Then you're going to have a successful coaching conversation with that student. We'll take a look real quick at the example. Actually if we do it yet. So in order to, this is an example of if we're building rapport, this might be a question that they would ask. How do you think last, last week when reflecting one would be if you could do this past week over again, what would you do differently? An understanding, What do you want to continue doing and how might you were fine, what you're doing to make it even better. Then we would add one other metacognitive strategies. And then the next piece is committing to actions. So how might you apply your new learning? And then the last one, as you reflect on this conversation, how is it supported your learning? So again, if you want to take some notes while you're watching, we're going to have a Sierra who's one of our coaches. She's also a marine biology major and she does her some of the studies that she's doing or with the sea turtles that are in our area, which is her research is fascinating. She is going to be coaching Olivia. And here we go. I can't hear it hurt. We can't hear it either. Be tray. Whoops. I might have to re-share because I think I might have. Yeah. Sorry about that. Yeah. I think this should work now. Yes. So based on what we talked about last week, wet with your new classes and new new study skills that you've been submitted. I definitely think it went better. But since it's like a new thing for me in clinic, I just have to get it a habit like practice it a lot more because there was three times or like nothing's really go out. And there was one time I was like, whoa, look, I believe the study like we have a quiz coming up, whatever. Sounds like oh, yeah, I can I have an appointment. Right. So I did say that and then they'll good because it didn't give me out. But I can't say that every time. Like I just actually need to learn up like learn how to stand up, be like metal guy Jan like that tonight. Right. So yeah, it did it. It has helped me a lot and I do feel like I've learned better. But there's always room for improvement, right? Yeah. So based on what I gave you this last week, so what might you think caused you to be more successful this week than last week? In terms of planning or what skills you've used. So I went to target right on the road and got an old planar. And so like every Sunday, I like wrote down like Okay, I'm going to miss this list. And that list is this clever week. And then that kind of actually set goals for me to find writing them down. Because this one I'm going to be Monday is I'm going to say like actually made a goal for me to do like that was really helpful. So we talked about last time like setting the goal before, like checking, counting off that day four, I can go do something for myself. Now it's like the way I implemented it and it was like really helpful, right? So you kinda just as general fell a whole lot better and felt more at it just because you kinda plan everything ahead of time? Yeah. I felt like more put together and I like freaking out, I guess, right? Yeah. Well, I'm glad you feel a little bit better about that. So now that you know, kinda what you need to do, what leads kinda worked for you. What do you, I guess, what do you want to be more mindful on now, now that you know, like what works for you, what doesn't work for you, or there's some things you still need to work on. Like how are you going to be mindful about your studying, you know, with all this outside stuff going on too. Yeah. I think I don't know. I think you're on to be honest and I crunch through like, hey, like respectful nighttime too. It's not just about having fun all the time. Because honestly, they might even be struggling with it too. Hi palatine like outside. So I think like yeah, just being honest with them. I think it's probably no cell phone. Because then if I'm Sean, It's like, hey, like listen like this, but this is today's goal, right? If I understand. Yeah, I think that Well, I'm glad that you're starting to see now that this is a priority for you and it is going to take a lot of effort to get what you want out of this class. So did you use any new learning strategies or anything that I taught you last week? Are you still kinda iffy on learning about new more or maybe you need some more ideas of what to do. I think like I think it's good like my learning. Like in the class, I guess, like, you know, I'll take notes, whatever. And then like I said there you just kinda like review that after class and how many questions like over at the Dallas sticking out, go to office hours, ask her or even like we have the cam success. And sometimes it comes success for sometime like that will add to my questions. So I mean, just like that's probably the best thing. Right. And so like when you're studying for say for the next exam, do you have a good environment you think you're getting? Are you going to go to the library again? Do you prefer studying by yourself or with a group of what works for you? It depends on the group and you like it. Yeah, it depends on the group because of your study with a group that's like sidetracked, does work. It doesn't work. So usually I'm more of a by myself person, but sometimes if it's like I have questions and it, they're able to answer it. And sometimes I do learn by teaching other people too, so that, that's what it is good for a group. But usually I like conferred by myself like those long segments they have, you know, yeah. Yeah. Those are the little corral. Yeah. Well, one thing I do recommend is I think teaching others is a great outlet or resource because if you can teach others the material, I mean, you've got it yourself. So obviously you're able to explain it to somebody else. So maybe creating practice exams working in pairs would be good for that. If you get sidetracked, maybe the group doesn't have a whole focus in mind. Maybe you all are talking, are getting off track and it's kinda good to go by yourself because you're not taking the exam together, obviously you're taking it by yourself. So maybe going by yourself, working through the material again, maybe creating practice exams for yourself. Going through those, paraphrasing your notes, actively reading through these tests, I think that could be really beneficial to you. So just be mindful of when you're studying. Does it look like you're being successful? Like do you feel like you're getting a lot accomplished? Maybe if you're not taking a step back from it, okay, I need to prioritize what my goals could be for this session, what I need to get done, and I'm kinda help you get through that. Do you think that would be applicable to apply to new learning and stuff like that? Yeah, I think that'd be good. I think that stuff is me. I can try like it's like making a problem and be like okay, like let's see if I can do this or like if I do like by like one person who I think has a similar study habit, if you like. Okay. Let's study and I'll be like, Okay, I'll let we can maybe make proxies for each other and they'll explain like okay, like why this is the right answers we can teach each other. It's almost like one sided, so I think that might be good. It's in China. Yeah, so I definitely recommend trying that maybe this week or next week and then we can talk about how that went next time if it went great, There's some things you need to change that to help you be successful if we could go over that. So just kinda reflecting over what we've gone over today. Has this like supported your learning anyhow, like, What did he speak good techniques to implement to you? I think maybe gray, I'm going to try it out next. Yeah. Awesome. Well, we can go over next week to see reassess and see what you didn't get, what you need to change. And we can talk about that. Alright? So we're gonna do something very similar. You're gonna go into a breakout room. And if one person could take notes on just looking at our time, this is probably gonna be a little bit quicker. If we could go ahead. Jonathan, would you go ahead and put everyone in a breakout room? This is a different sheet. So where are we going to try for ten minutes for questions or like we don't have ten minutes for questions. That's yeah, that's not going to what I'm saying is should we just think like when they come back, just have like a closing conversation. You know what I'm saying? If they share their highlights and we just answer any questions. Well, I don't know. I mean, we've got like me we've got if we bring them back in. Okay. Alright. So as everybody is everybody on this back? No. Yes. Maybe now they shouldn't be. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody is back. Excellent. Okay. All right. It looks like you're having some great conversations. And so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over the bonus piece as far as one of the coaching skills. And then we're going to open up for questions because I know that I would love to hear what questions you might have at this point. The paraphrasing that we use, there's a wide variety of different ways to do this. So these are the key points that we pay attention to when we're paraphrasing is to listen attentively, to be totally, fully present. You're going to capture the essence. And your paraphrase is actually shorter than what was originally said. One of the keys for us is, is to use the pronoun you instead of I. And this is very purposeful when we do this, because when we paraphrase, and this is the example that I give students is It's like you have all those big fear lights and you are shining it on the person who you are coaching. And you keep shining on them. When you say you, it helps them mediate their thinking and it helps them continue to access their thoughts. When you use the word i, it breaks that and it brings it back to you, which is not intentional art, brings it back to the person who's coaching. So when you can say, so, you feel this way. If you'll go to the next one, jonathan. So there are three types of three types of paraphrasing. Phrasing that way do the first one is literally being a mirror so that you are mirroring back what they're saying in their words. You use words like so you're concerned about or so you're feeling, you're feeling angry that you bombed that first test. So it's literally a mirror. The next one is organizing is putting everything into a box. This looks really good. If somebody comes in and they have a laundry list, they are just going, I got this, I got this, I got this and you can put it into an organized box. So one goal you have is this and another is this. So it could be their priorities. And then the third way of paraphrasing is abstract. So this is giving them more of a global view of what they're saying. So it's literally going up a ladder. So a value here is. And so if you'll think, if you go to the next slide, I don't know that we have, I don't know that we're going to have time to practice. However, if we go back, actually, if you wouldn't mind going back to the, going back one more. So the essence of paraphrasing and I do encourage everyone to try this because it is a little bit awkward at first. However, if you can name somebody's emotion and the content, you're golden. If you can do this before you ask a question, they're more attentive to the question. And this works at home with your teenage daughter, with your spouse or significant other with students that you're working with, with anyone that isn't in your world. If you can paraphrase what they say before, inquiring, it is just genius. It is absolutely genius. Alright? So Jonathan, if you wouldn't mind taking us too. And I hate that we're not gonna be able to to practice this. And I do highly encourage you just to try it out. So what I would like to do is, let's go to, let's go ahead and go through the quotes real quick. These are some of the reflections from students that we had from our first year of a coaching. We have them fill out a form when it's a Qualtrics form when they are finished with their sessions so that we gather this information that we know what's happening and how we are making a difference in the students lives. I'm here, There's a couple more. I'm not going to read them to you. I'm going to then what I would love to do is I always, whenever I'm doing a coaching training with my coaches, I asked them two questions at the end. I usually have them give, put it on a sticky or a posted note. What was one key learning and then what would you like to learn more about? So that's where the QR code is right here. If you're able to do that, we would love your feedback. I'm Jonathan and I would. Then what I'd love to do is just to open up the floor because We have like I think like literally like about two minutes, three minutes. It's not loud. I'm sorry. What questions might you have for Jonathan and myself? I see How often do students meet with peer coaches? About how many students went away? Alright. So our coaches, they meet with students for 30 minutes. We are, we are, We've been trying different ways. We're actually very flexible. So some of them meet once a month with a student with the same students. Some meet every other week and some meet every week. And we gauge it on what the students needs are. Yeah. And just to add to that, Laura has developed a intake form for students to fill out. So that's coaches can kind of focus their, their, their meetings or their sessions based on what the students have said and what they're what they're looking for. Yeah. And the intake form helps because the coach also pulls the resources, whether it's time management, if it's steady strategies, they have those things at their fingertips so that they have them right there readily available. So our coaches are compensated through a title three grant that the university receives. Harley, there's a second question, how are they supported throughout meetings? Pure supervisor. So I am I am their supervisor and we have a training it's usually about every three weeks. And what I do is I when I teach them very indefinitely. A lot of the why behind the map, like I've wrapped around each piece. We practice it for about two weeks, I bring them back in. We do a similar thing like what we just did. We do a fishbowl where they watch. It's usually me coaching one of them so that they can see like, like now, because now it's irrelevant to them. They've been using the map and they've got questions. And then I have them practice with each other doing going through the map. And they love it because it is really truly being listened to and being heard and being you're solving somebody's problem and you feel amazing after they're just like, can we do that again? And then we go deeper into different strategies throughout the year. Like we go deep into growth mindset. We can go deep into the different metacognitive strategies. And Just to add to that to Laura has really been good at collecting information from the coaches so that she can really pinpoint those ongoing training sessions that she does. And then Liz, do they self-select the students or are they referred? So we do a lot of we do a lot of reach out to students who are at risk. And actually anyone who's, who's taking that class qualifies for coaching in this program. So they fill out the intake form, which is a Qualtrics that comes to me. And then I what I did is I tried to match up a coach. If it's a transfer student, I tried to match it up with a coach this as a transfer student. So I try my darn just to make sure that if there's something that's similar, that they there with a coach that they can really relate to. Because we have to have a lot of military. So if it's a military, I make sure that it's somebody who can who can relate to them as well. And then a lot of times it does come down to what time does the student available and what time is the coach available? Then Monika asked, can you share the slice? Is there a way we can do that, Charles or should someone just email or like people just email us? Yeah. The sessions recorded but also presenter's sitting there slides to Shannon. I'm going to disseminate those out. No problem. Yeah. I was going to say you're you're more than welcome to e-mail or call us because we like it. So there's a lot that goes into the maps. And you do any program consulting? I was going to say Liz, why don't you email me and we can have a chat about that. We have done program consulting already, so yeah. So just to answer that question. Okay. So I got time for maybe one more question. Anybody's got one? I hope that you've had fun with this and you got to see some, some authentic conversation. And Olivia, who was being coached, Shimon said, I love this because it wasn't scripted and I feel really good afterwards. So it has been amazing to work with the students here at UW. And as I'm sure it is, with the schools where you're from. So thank you very much. And if you get an opportunity, come to Pensacola, Florida because we have the most beautiful beaches in the world. Well, thank you, Jonathan. Thank you. Thank you for attending today's session. That evil if you haven't done so already, have a great rest of your day. Fantastic. Thank you. So do we stop the recording or how there's somebody in here that is shared their email that I that I'm just copying right now so we can connect with them because I'm not familiar.