“Can you Pronounce That for Me?”: And Other Culturally Sustaining Coaching Practices

INSTITUTION: University of Delaware LEAD PRESENTER: Joanna Martin-Granger SESSION DESCRIPTION: In a post-pandemic, multicultural, pluralistic student population, academic coaching is a practice that supports retention and student success. Academic coaching programs are founded on the belief that success is available to all. But does coaching support students as they are or as the system requires…

How to Use Skilled Intuition to Incorporate Skill Building into a Coaching Practice

INSTITUTION: University of Colorado Boulder LEAD PRESENTER: Alicia Sepulveda CO-PRESENTER: Alana Davis-Delaria SESSION DESCRIPTION: Academic skill-building is often a critical component of coaching students in the Higher Education context. However, academic skill-building is not coaching. How can a coach share what a student needs to know while remaining true to the tenants of coaching? Effective…

What Had Happened Was: The Power of Storytelling in Empowering Students

INSTITUTION: University of Louisville LEAD PRESENTER: Jessy Rosenberg SESSION DESCRIPTION: Learn about storytelling activities that guide students to reflect on who they are and why they are here. Build your collection of real-life tales that will help a student comprehend the value of transferable skills and grasp the concept of the non-linear path of majors…